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js2-mode Improved JavaScript mode for GNU Emacs
jsonnet Domain specific configuration language
junit Regression testing utility for use with the Java(TM) Language
kafka Distributed streaming platform
kapptemplate KDE Template Generator
kbookmarks Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
kbuild Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kcachegrind Visualization of Performance Profiling Data
kcmutils Utilities for interacting with KCModules
kconfig Configuration system
kcoreaddons Addons to QtCore
kcrash Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
kde-dev-scripts Scripts useful during development of KDE software
kde-dev-utils Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks
kdebugsettings Application to enable/disable qCDebug
kdeclarative Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
kdelibs4support (V) Porting aid from KDELibs4
kdesdk-kioslaves KIO-Slaves for subversion and perldoc
kdesdk-strigi-analyzers Strigi analyzers for various tools
kdesdk-thumbnailers Plugins for the KDE thumbnailing system
kdevelop Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE
kdiff3 File and directory diff and merge tool
kdoctools Documentation generation from docbook
kf6-kbookmarks Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
kf6-kcmutils Utilities for interacting with KCModules
kf6-kcolorscheme Classes to read and interact with KColorScheme
kf6-kconfig Configuration system
kf6-kcoreaddons Addons to QtCore
kf6-kcrash Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
kf6-kdeclarative Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
kf6-kdoctools Documentation generation from docbook
kf6-ki18n Advanced internationalization framework
kf6-kidletime Monitoring user activity
kf6-kio Resource and network access abstraction
kf6-kitemmodels Models for Qt Model/View system
kf6-knotifications Abstraction for system notifications
kf6-knotifyconfig Configuration system for KNotify
kf6-kpackage Installation and loading of additional content as packages
kf6-kparts Document centric plugin system
kf6-kpeople Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
kf6-kpty Pty abstraction
kf6-krunner Framework for providing different actions given a string query
kf6-kservice Advanced plugin and service introspection
kf6-ktexteditor Advanced embeddable text editor
kf6-purpose Providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled
kf6-threadweaver High-level multithreading framework
ki18n Advanced internationalization framework
kidletime Monitoring user activity
kio Resource and network access abstraction
kio-extras Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
kitemmodels Models for Qt Model/View system
knotifications Abstraction for system notifications
knotifyconfig Configuration system for KNotify
ko-po-check Korean .po file checker
kompare Diff/Patch Frontend
kpackage Installation and loading of additional content as packages
kparts Document centric plugin system
kpeople Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
kpty Pty abstraction
kross Multi-language application scripting
krunner Framework for providing different actions given a string query
kservice Advanced plugin and service introspection
ktexteditor Advanced embeddable text editor
kwayland Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries
kyua Testing framework for infrastructure software
lager C++ library for value-oriented design using unidirectional data-flow
lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands
lcc Local ANSI C compiler for a variety of platforms
lcdis Disassembler for the Sega VMU/VMS
lcov Front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov
ldapsdk LDAP C-SDK from the Mozilla project
ldpc Low Density Parity Check Codes
ldtp (V) GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project
leahneukirchen-redo Redo build system implemented in portable C
lemon Simple LALR(1) parser generator
lettuce Behaviour-driven development test tool
libadwaita Building blocks for modern GNOME applications
libantlr3c ANother Tool for Language Recognition (C runtime)
libappindicator Allow applications to export a menu into the panel
libarena Memory allocator API and implementation
libargparse Argument parsing library in C++
libast The Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
libatomic Atomic fallback implementation for GCC
libatomic_ops Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
libatomic-links Make libatomic available from a unique directory
libbegemot Base development library, contains useful routines
libbinio Binary I/O stream class library
libblkid Library to handle device identification and token extraction
libbsd Compatibility library for BSD functions under other systems
libcbor Parsing and generate schema-less binary data format
libcerf Library providing efficient and accurate complex error functions
libcm (V) Metacity compositor library
libcompizconfig Configuration backend for compiz
libconfig Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
libctl Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations
libcutl C++ utility library
libdaemon C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libdatrie Implementation of Double-Array Trie
libdazzle Companion library to GObject and Gtk+
libdbusmenu-glib Glib2 library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet