js2-mode | | Improved JavaScript mode for GNU Emacs |
jsonnet | | Domain specific configuration language |
junit | | Regression testing utility for use with the Java(TM) Language |
kafka | | Distributed streaming platform |
kapptemplate | | KDE Template Generator |
kbookmarks | | Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format |
kbuild | | Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks |
kcachegrind | | Visualization of Performance Profiling Data |
kcmutils | | Utilities for interacting with KCModules |
kconfig | | Configuration system |
kcoreaddons | | Addons to QtCore |
kcrash | | Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps |
kde-dev-scripts | | Scripts useful during development of KDE software |
kde-dev-utils | | Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks |
kdebugsettings | | Application to enable/disable qCDebug |
kdeclarative | | Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks |
kdelibs4support (V) | | Porting aid from KDELibs4 |
kdesdk-kioslaves | | KIO-Slaves for subversion and perldoc |
kdesdk-strigi-analyzers | | Strigi analyzers for various tools |
kdesdk-thumbnailers | | Plugins for the KDE thumbnailing system |
kdevelop | | Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE |
kdiff3 | | File and directory diff and merge tool |
kdoctools | | Documentation generation from docbook |
kf6-kbookmarks | | Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format |
kf6-kcmutils | | Utilities for interacting with KCModules |
kf6-kcolorscheme | | Classes to read and interact with KColorScheme |
kf6-kconfig | | Configuration system |
kf6-kcoreaddons | | Addons to QtCore |
kf6-kcrash | | Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps |
kf6-kdeclarative | | Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks |
kf6-kdoctools | | Documentation generation from docbook |
kf6-ki18n | | Advanced internationalization framework |
kf6-kidletime | | Monitoring user activity |
kf6-kio | | Resource and network access abstraction |
kf6-kitemmodels | | Models for Qt Model/View system |
kf6-knotifications | | Abstraction for system notifications |
kf6-knotifyconfig | | Configuration system for KNotify |
kf6-kpackage | | Installation and loading of additional content as packages |
kf6-kparts | | Document centric plugin system |
kf6-kpeople | | Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person |
kf6-kpty | | Pty abstraction |
kf6-krunner | | Framework for providing different actions given a string query |
kf6-kservice | | Advanced plugin and service introspection |
kf6-ktexteditor | | Advanced embeddable text editor |
kf6-purpose | | Providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled |
kf6-threadweaver | | High-level multithreading framework |
ki18n | | Advanced internationalization framework |
kidletime | | Monitoring user activity |
kio | | Resource and network access abstraction |
kio-extras | | Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO |
kitemmodels | | Models for Qt Model/View system |
knotifications | | Abstraction for system notifications |
knotifyconfig | | Configuration system for KNotify |
ko-po-check | | Korean .po file checker |
kompare | | Diff/Patch Frontend |
kpackage | | Installation and loading of additional content as packages |
kparts | | Document centric plugin system |
kpeople | | Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person |
kpty | | Pty abstraction |
kross | | Multi-language application scripting |
krunner | | Framework for providing different actions given a string query |
kservice | | Advanced plugin and service introspection |
ktexteditor | | Advanced embeddable text editor |
kwayland | | Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries |
kyua | | Testing framework for infrastructure software |
lager | | C++ library for value-oriented design using unidirectional data-flow |
lazygit | | Simple terminal UI for git commands |
lcc | | Local ANSI C compiler for a variety of platforms |
lcdis | | Disassembler for the Sega VMU/VMS |
lcov | | Front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov |
ldapsdk | | LDAP C-SDK from the Mozilla project |
ldpc | | Low Density Parity Check Codes |
ldtp (V) | | GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project |
leahneukirchen-redo | | Redo build system implemented in portable C |
lemon | | Simple LALR(1) parser generator |
lettuce | | Behaviour-driven development test tool |
libadwaita | | Building blocks for modern GNOME applications |
libantlr3c | | ANother Tool for Language Recognition (C runtime) |
libappindicator | | Allow applications to export a menu into the panel |
libarena | | Memory allocator API and implementation |
libargparse | | Argument parsing library in C++ |
libast | | The Library of Assorted Spiffy Things |
libatomic | | Atomic fallback implementation for GCC |
libatomic_ops | | Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm |
libatomic-links | | Make libatomic available from a unique directory |
libbegemot | | Base development library, contains useful routines |
libbinio | | Binary I/O stream class library |
libblkid | | Library to handle device identification and token extraction |
libbsd | | Compatibility library for BSD functions under other systems |
libcbor | | Parsing and generate schema-less binary data format |
libcerf | | Library providing efficient and accurate complex error functions |
libcm (V) | | Metacity compositor library |
libcompizconfig | | Configuration backend for compiz |
libconfig | | Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files |
libctl | | Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations |
libcutl | | C++ utility library |
libdaemon | | C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons |
libdatrie | | Implementation of Double-Array Trie |
libdazzle | | Companion library to GObject and Gtk+ |
libdbusmenu-glib | | Glib2 library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet |